8 mars – 11 mars

The International Conference Progress in Biogas IV

The International Conference Progress in Biogas IV will be held in Stuttgart, Germany on March 8th to 11th 2017 at the University of Hohenheim. The conference is organized by the IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas GmbH in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim.

The developments in the fields of production and process engineering, frame conditions and use possibilities will be presented and discussed in contributions to and from practice, science and politics. The fourth edition of the conference covers the advances on low-tech biogas plants, biogas generation from biowaste and wastewater treatment plants, digestate application and management, innovative digestion technologies, pretreatment technologies, gas cleaning and gas processing as well as the optimal integration of biogas in the energy system. The modeling, controlling of the biogas process and the inhibition of the process will be also discussed.

More information here.
